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17/11/2016 - World Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Road Collisions

 World Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Road Collisions




This Sunday, the victims of road collisions across the globe will be remembered on ‘World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims’ and in Donegal a remembrance mass will take place in St. Eunan’s Cathedral, Letterkenny at 12.00 noon on Sunday and all are welcome.

23,949 people have died on Irish roads to date (17 November 2016) since records began in 1959. Already this year, 165 families, friends and communities have lost a loved one.


To launch ‘World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims’ 2016, the Road Safety Authority (RSA) held a special audience with acclaimed singer-songwriter Christy Moore at Smock Alley Theatre, this morning from 10.00am to 11.30am.   Christy Moore performed a special song commemorating those who have lost their lives on our roads for an audience of families and friends who have been impacted by road traffic collisions. 


The RSA along with Road Safety Officers in Local Authorities and road safety support organisations have organised masses, services and commemorative events around the country this Sunday to remember the lives that have been lost and changed forever on our roads. A full list of the events is available on


In addition, the RSA will have a ‘Wall of Remembrance’ on its Facebook page The Wall of Remembrance is a place for people to come and share their memories, to light a candle and leave a memorial message for a loved one who has been killed or seriously injured on our roads.


Ms Liz O’Donnell, Chairperson of the Road Safety Authority said, “’World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims’ gives us an opportunity to remember those who have died on our roads and the families, friends and communities who have been devastated by their loss. When we read reports of the numbers of people who are killed or injured on our roads, we need to remember that there are real lives, real families and real communities behind these statistics. For thousands of families around the country, their lives are forever changed as a result of a collision. It’s not enough to just keep these people in our hopes and prayers once a year, rather we must all commit work together and take responsibility for our behaviour on the roads, and create real change, out of respect for their memories.”


Superintendent Con O’Donohue, An Garda Síochána said: “An Garda Síochána is committed to working to keep our roads free from death and serious injury, but to do this we need the support of each and every person who uses the roads. As we head into the winter season and the evenings grow darker, we all must commit to thinking about road safety: every time you sit behind the wheel, get on your bicycle or motorbike, or head out for a walk, consider what you can do to improve your safety on the roads and the safety of everyone around you.”


‘World Day of Remembrance’ reminds us how quickly and easily tragedy can happen on our roads and I would encourage people to use the day as an opportunity to look at our own actions on the roads and the role we play in keeping them free from tragedy.” 


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